Showing 5 result(s)
Duchess of Cornwall visits Llanerch. Image: Jo Wallace

Duchess of Cornwall praises ‘incredible’ vineyard

One of the great things about working in PR is that no two days are the same. That was certainly the case when my client Llanerch Vineyard received a royal visit from Her Royal Highness, The Duchess of Cornwall. It’s certainly been a tough year for the hospitality industry, but Llanerch has come out stronger …

Llanerch opens new restaurant & boosts wine production

Llanerch, the UK’s largest vineyard hotel, has unveiled a new 100 cover restaurant overlooking its vineyard in Hensol, South Wales. The new 200 square foot dining space is an extension to the vineyard’s current award-winning restaurant. The vineyard has also announced plans for the planting of a further six acres of vines on the open …

Buying into biophilia

One of the things I enjoy most about my job is that I get to write about new things every day. Sometimes it’s a subject I have no experience of, or have never even heard of until I receive the brief, and those are my favourites. If you’re writing for trade publications or white papers, …

Going solo – from agency to freelance

I’ve always wanted to work for myself. That’s not to say I haven’t loved working for agencies – I have. I love the fast pace, nailing those tight deadlines and the buzz of securing coverage. High fives and doughnuts in the office for a job well done. It’s not quite the ‘Ab Fab’ experience of …